A film about playing with the soil, playing with the shape and playing with gender. Devoted to all people that dared to transit or practice playing with gender on a daily basis and all people that cannot imagine a transition at all. An earthy illustration of a metamorphosis.
A film by Sascha Alexandra Zaitseva und Lars* Kollros
Musik: Mort Garson
6:43 min, 2021, 1920x1080px, h264/ProRes/DCP
Category: Video
The great masturbatress
2019, 1:14 min, DCP/h264
Director: Alexandra Zaitseva
Camera: Lars Kollros
Parallel Vienna 2021
Pornfilmfestival 2020
Satyrs and Maenads: the Athens Porn Film Festival 2020
Parallel Vienna 2019
Gallery 2.04, St. Petersburg
The video is a pornographic satire — was uploaded to the largest porn-sites under the title „The great masturbatress“. This is an attack and a feminist answer of the artist to the toxic masculinity of mass pornography.
The gaze through the vulva
2019 3:07 min, DCP/h264
Directors: Lars Kollros / Alexandra Zaitseva
Kamera: Lars Kollros
Screenings 2019:
Parallel Vienna
Gallery 2.04, St. Petersburg
The Video invites the people to take a different view of St. Petersburg, from a different perspective.
Festival der Demokaratie
Regie: Lars Kollros
Kamera: Lars Kollros/Alexandra Zaitseva
Hamburg 2017
On the 7th and 8th of July 2017 a summit called G-20 took place in Hamburg, where the representatives of selected industrial and developing countries met to discuss crucial developments in financial, ecological and geopolitical areas. Andy Grote, the interior senator of Hamburg announced the meeting as a “Festival of Democracy”. Over 30.000 police officers were there to protect the meeting. Up to 100.000 people came to Hamburg to protest against the summit. One of the protests was titled “Welcome to hell”.
7:39 min
Hamburg 2017