Fluid ceramics – Keramik im Fluss

2021 – student project – as part of the course feminist philosophy and ceramics in action with Maria Bussmann and the students of the university of applied arts

2021 student project Zaitseva/Bussmann
Thinking, researching, philosophizing: feminist! In a new form we want to do both; form thoughts and form ideas, give space to intersection, networking, exploration. When Helene Cixous calls for an „Ecriture feminine“ in „The laugh of the Medusa“, or evokes Homeric epics and heroes in the tenderly painful description of her mother‘s dying („Ma Ho-mère est morte“), images can transform directly into SOUND and FORM. What emerges is nothing less than a claim to a new feminist sculpture. The work was done with Viennese clay from Karlsplatz, after which the molded material was returned to the Vienna River to dissolve.

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