A collaboration of the Social Design Studio (Brigitte Felderer / University of Applied Arts Vienna) with the ENUTC-Project “TRUSTMAKING: Young creators and responsibilities for the new green transition” and the Ceramics Studio of the University of Applied Arts Vienna

During the last two years city dwellers – especially youth – in particular yearned for being outside, for free expanses to move and be moved. The perception of open respectively public spaces in dense urban areas thoroughly changed with limited options of consumption. Urban qualities are not only evolving around possibilities to eat, drink and shop but rather around literally immaterial qualities which are transmitted by other people – of all generations –, by plants, by animals, by sensual experiences, by narratives, invisible systems, routines and rituals, rhythms, anchor points, by history and, of course, a prospect of an imaginable future. Urban structures are shaped by the interplay of their multiple layers. But layers opening up to qualities of “lieux infinis” (Encore Heureux) are adding to an atmosphere, to social density and cohesion, are communicating notions of in- as well as ex-clusion, of potentials and of unplanned possibilities of (urban) development and its infra-structure.
The Summer School was taking place in Rothneusiedl, a neighbourhood of approximately 700 inhabitants and also part of Vienna’s 10th district. The Summer School will be based at the Haschahof aka Zukunftshof, a historical grange with original buildings from the 19th century. The complex will also serve as a future urban center for the upcoming development: a first local urban center that will be followed by the building of housing will follow (approximately around 2045). So far, the grange is still surrounded by fields and meadows, but their destiny is determined. Agricultural land is zoned for building new neighbourhoods of Vienna for housing the many.
The topic of the Summer School was focusing on the resources of the place, natural, historical and cultural resources, graspable but not necessarily material.